National Campaign for Congenital Heart Disease Awareness for Students
The first health initiative in the Arab world and the Middle East
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Through the campaign, we aim to conduct a set of medical examinations (preventive heart tests) to detect cases of congenital heart defects among our students. Awareness campaigns will also be organized about the risks of congenital heart diseases and ways to prevent them, as follows:
تعتبر الحملة الوطنية للتوعية بأمراض القلب الخلقية للط اب تحت شعار )وقاية وحماية( في جميع مدارس الدولة هي الأولى من نوعها على المستوى المحلي والوطن العربي والشرق الأوسط، وتتضمن الحملة على العديد من البرامج ومنها تنظيم عدد من المحاضرات التوعوية، والاستشارات الطبية، وكذلك إجراء الفحوصات الطبية المجانية للأمراض التي لها ارتباط مباشر للقلب )فحوصات الوقائية للقلب، ومنها الفحوصات الحيوية «قياس ضغط الدم، ونسبة الدهون في الجسم، ونسبة السكر، والكولسترول »، تخطيط القلب، وتصوير القلب بجهاز (السونار)، وذلك لتحديد مدى احتمال إصابة الشخص بأمراض القلب الخلقية، والقيام بالندوات التوعوية والدورات التدريبية للمختصين والعاملين في المدارس من الاداريين والمدرسين ومسئولي الصحة المدرسة، كما سيتم إجراء اللقاءات والمقاب ات التلفزيونية والصحفية، وتوزيع النشرات والفيديوهات للتوعية بمخاطر أمراض القلب الخلقية وعوامل خطورتها وكيفية الوقاية منها، لنساهم في انقاذ حياة اطفالنا ونشر الوعي عن أمراض القلب.
Project beneficiaries
School students
Targeting all students from the age of three to eighteen years in all schools in the United Arab Emirates, regardless of their athletic status.
Young athletes up to 21 years old
Targeting young athletes (up to 21 years old) by screening in gyms and sports facilities
Children, adolescents and their families
Identifying individuals at risk and following up on the health file and history of all family members
Campaign Implementing Partners
Emirates Red Crescent Authority
It is a voluntary humanitarian organization that plays a supporting role to the official authorities in times of peace and war, and provides assistance and aid to the most vulnerable groups without any discrimination. It was established on 1/31/1983 and gained international recognition by joining the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in 1986.
One of the strategic objectives of the Emirates Red Crescent Authority
Strengthening the role of the Authority in the areas of humanitarian work locally in health awareness and education
Emirates Congenital Heart Disease Society
A community initiative founded in 2019, it is the first public benefit organization that cares for individuals with the challenges of congenital heart disease and their families.
The strategic objectives of the association include:
Care and empowerment of individuals with congenital heart disease and their families and education and awareness of congenital heart disease in the community
Emarat Atrium Building
Sheikh Zayed Rd - Al Wasl - Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
2nd flour – office No. 225
Tel. 00971 4 222 0966
Stay in touch
We are here to help
We can offer endless support and a chance to build lifelong friendships
Are you interested in helping the Emirates Congenital Heart Association achieve its goals of supporting life-changing people affected and living with challenges with congenital heart disease?