Membership of the Emirates Congenital Heart Association
Invest in your future and the future of all individuals with congenital heart disease and their families. Become a member of the Emirates Congenital Heart Association. Get comprehensive access to our latest news, guidelines and education - plus, develop connections with peers who share your passion for helping individuals affected by congenital heart disease and their families.
Join the only leading organization in the Gulf region and the Arab world that cares about the issues of individuals suffering from congenital heart disease challenges and their families, and sheds light on the effects of congenital heart disease on the patient and his surroundings. And become a supporter of her today!
How to join as a new member?
Click on the Membership Registration button
Fill in all the necessary information and submit the application.
When your complete application has been processed, you will receive an email notification and you will start a 12-month membership from that date.
Membership will be activated after paying the subscription fee
Membership system of the Emirates Congenital Heart Disease Society:
The membership program represents one of the most important components of the structure of the association, as the general assembly constitutes the highest bodies of the association, from which the board of directors is elected every four years. Society.
Membership types and conditions
General membership:
They are the founding members and everyone who joins the association and the following conditions apply to them:
To be a citizen of the United Arab Emirates.
He must not be less than eighteen years old.
To be of good conduct and good reputation.
He shall not have been convicted of a crime restricting freedom or violating morals, honor or trust, unless he has been rehabilitated.
He must not have been previously dismissed or suspended from another public benefit association.
That the member sponsors a case of people with congenital heart disease or a specialist.
To be a member of individuals with congenital heart disease.
Affiliate Membership :
They are the members who meet the general membership conditions, except for the condition of enjoying the citizenship of the United Arab Emirates.
Honorary Membership:
They are those whom the board of directors deems to grant them this membership from among those of stature and opinion who have performed great services for the state or the association or who have a distinguished activity in the field of public services and voluntary work.
Members' rights
Working members :
Nomination and election for membership of the Board of Directors.
Voting and voting in general assembly meetings.
Exercising the various available activities and utilizing the association’s property in accordance with the association’s decisions and regulations.
Members Affiliates :
Attending general assembly meetings.
Exercising the various available activities and utilizing the association’s property in accordance with the association’s decisions and regulations.
Honorary Membership:
They are those whom the board of directors deems to grant them this membership from among those of stature and opinion who have performed great services for the state or the association or who have a distinguished activity in the field of public services and voluntary work.
Duties members
Work to achieve the objectives of the association and avoid everything that harms others or the association's entity or harms its reputation.
Adhere to the association’s statute, internal regulations and decisions of the board of directors, and alert the board of any violation.
Obligation to pay the prescribed contributions for the association's membership.
Cooperating with the Board of Directors and carrying out the tasks assigned to it.
Membership application
The membership application shall be submitted to the Secretary on the form designated for this, and the Board of Directors shall decide on this request in its first periodic meeting, provided that the form includes all the basic data of the applicant for membership and the following shall be attached to it:
A copy of the passport and family book or identity card.
Two (2) photographs.
A copy of the academic qualification (if any).
A medical report showing the diagnosis of the type of disease (type of heart disease/malformation) of an individual with congenital heart disease and/or a family member of a child with heart conditions under 18 years old.
Professionals have a professional practice certificate and CV.
loss of membership
A member shall lose the association in any of the following cases:
Withdrawal from membership of the association by written request (resignation).
If he loses one of the membership conditions stipulated in Article (7) of the Association's Articles of Association.
If he violates one of the provisions of Article (9).
If he intentionally inflicted severe damages to the association, whether material or moral, the assessment of this is up to the board of directors.
If he takes advantage of the association's systems for a purpose that contradicts the objectives of the association.
If he is late in paying the subscription for a period of (six months) from the beginning of the financial year of the association, after being notified by a letter to his address registered with it, a decision of the board of directors shall be issued for the loss of membership.
- A member may not, during the term of his membership or after losing it, retrieve the subscriptions, donations or gifts that have been paid to the association, whether in cash or in kind, for whatever reasons. This applies to his legal and legal successors.
Cancellation of membership is based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors and its decision from the Ordinary General Assembly by the majority of those present.
Membership Subscription Fee
Working Member Subscription Fee ( 250 ) dirhams annually.
Affiliate Member Subscription Fee ( 250 ) dirhams annually.
Subscription fees are for a full year starting on January 1 of each year and ending on December 31 of the same year, except for the first year, which starts from the date of joining the association and ends on December 31 of the same year.
انضم الينا
عضوية الجمعية
250AEDEvery year
بناية جمعية دبي الخيرية، المحيصنة ٢
بجانب وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع، دبي
الإمارات العربية المتحدة
الطابق الرابع، مكتب رقم ٤٠٣
Tel. 00971 4 222 0966
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